Well-Known Member
Hi ButcherTI have never actually grown a Cattleya species. All your conversation and photos have me craving one. JUST ONE. Or a few little ones...y’all know how it is... I’m settled on Cattleya walkeriana var. coerulea ‘Choujo.’ Or am I???? Hmmm. Anybody got anything in this vein they want to sell me? A division? A compot? Or I have some nice, recently repotted 3yo fairrieanum seedlings to trade...OZ breeding...just idle thoughts to get through another pandemic winter...sigh. If this is a bad idea, feel free to talk me out of it....
My 'specialty' for the last 25 years has been Paphiopedilum. I got my first walker about two and a half years ago. I got hooked quickly and now have about 90. Many are divisions... including walkeriana var. coerulea ‘Choujo. Since then I have been breeding and have several walker pods and several walker/mini Catt cross pods in the lab. I would highly recommend diving in head first. I may have divisions of stuff in the spring and would be happy to keep you in mind until then.