I couldn't resist buying this last weekend. Dracula ubangina.
I recently started getting into catasetums and my indoor growing environment seems perfect for them. I love how this Clowesia Rebecca Northen 'Mikabi' bloomed out this year. The flowers opened up beautifully.
I also bought some paphs last weekend, but this one is the cream of the crop. I had been looking for this hybrid for a while, and as fate would have it, this division was available for sale. I love it! Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Gold Country' AM/AOS
Tanner, I don't have any tips as the plant was new to me. It's maturing its other growth and has put up a new one currently. I keep in bright shade, and plenty of water. All my orchids get plenty of air movement because my grow area gets warm. My temps on average is 55-85, but usually 60-80 F.
CambriaWhat, yes, it turned out well for me. It's the one I wanted and I just happened to find a division at the local show fro sale. It did not take much convincing to take it home.