in the good tradition of non-slipper photos...

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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yeah, I know. I never have slipper pix to post....

This is my current favorite droolicious plant. I got it from a friend as a little nubby corm.

Amorphophallus atroviridis
wow. that's got neat picotee.
i have an A bulbifer that has a light pink strip but it's the only one i had seen with the picotee. i was wondering if it was common or not....
The pink margin was a total surprise - aren't too many good pictures of this one out there.

I just realized how silly my comment about it arriving as a corm sounds. How else does an Amorph ever arrive? :p
... Your photo is way more appealing than the one on the site.

In all fairness, landscaping to get light-soaking black foliage behind it would be kinda difficult :rollhappy:

But yeah, when I first received the corm, I googled for pix and wasn't impressed. Now, however.....:drool:
Hot! :drool::drool::drool:

Aroids are my second love. They can be almost as addictive as orchids. Only an addict would bloom Amorphophallus konjac indoors, right?
Wow!!!!!! I love it! I want one! Is it hardy in Z7? I grow A. bulbifer and A. konjac, which come up every year for me....they never bloom for me, but do survive every year...and with that one, I wouldn't care if it never bloomed...
Take care, Eric

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