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Active Member
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
Wilmington DE
Hi: I am from the state of Delaware in the USA. I have only been growing orchids for a little over 1 year. I started out buying two NOID Phals. from the Philadelphia Flower Show and I was hooked. Since then I have Oncidium, Phals and Paths. I got my first Path. from Longwood Gardens; it is a Maudiae and am finding that the Paths are beginning to be my favorite. I have had two bloom for me the Maudiae which is now in spike and a delentii var. Dunkel with the dark pink lip. It has also bloomed for me. Here is a photo of it. I recently bought my first constant bloomer Paph Pinocchio 'Cupping'. I always repot and isolate anything I bring home before adding it to my collection to negate pests. Since repotting it is looking a little droopy but looks like its coming out of shock. I have also had failures. I lost a Ho Chi Minh but the mother plant developed 3 (for lack of words) babies before the she died. I look forward to learning from the members. delentii var. Dunkel.jpg
Nice collection of plants. The delenatii vinicolor (dunkel) has dark cherry color pouch and they smell like roses.
Wellcome to ST from Austria, Pam!
Love your delenati 'Dunkel'.
have you sought out fellow geeks in the Delaware orchid society? they are meeting virtually on a regular basis via zoom... The Delaware Orchid Society or for that matter SEPOS - (they meet virtually also)

and if you are interested, i can PM you details to get in touch with them
Welcome Pam. Sounds
Hi: I am from the state of Delaware in the USA. I have only been growing orchids for a little over 1 year. I started out buying two NOID Phals. from the Philadelphia Flower Show and I was hooked. Since then I have Oncidium, Phals and Paths. I got my first Path. from Longwood Gardens; it is a Maudiae and am finding that the Paths are beginning to be my favorite. I have had two bloom for me the Maudiae which is now in spike and a delentii var. Dunkel with the dark pink lip. It has also bloomed for me. Here is a photo of it. I recently bought my first constant bloomer Paph Pinocchio 'Cupping'. I always repot and isolate anything I bring home before adding it to my collection to negate pests. Since repotting it is looking a little droopy but looks like its coming out of shock. I have also had failures. I lost a Ho Chi Minh but the mother plant developed 3 (for lack of words) babies before the she died. I look forward to learning from the members. delentii var. Dunkel.jpg
Sounds like you’re doing great. My Ho Chi Minh seems to benefit from a dry either rest once the growths reach blooming size, which sets the bloom. If yours set 3 babies, it does not sound like you lost it! Mine only holds the previously bloomed growths for one season after blooming before they start to fade away, leaf by leaf. For every new growth, it has one previously bloomed growth, which declines once the new growth blooms, and so on.
Nice Paph delenatii vinicolor photo. Be very carefully to not give it high fertilizer water as it is sensitive and leaves could easily get fertilizer leaf tip burn.
have you sought out fellow geeks in the Delaware orchid society? they are meeting virtually on a regular basis via zoom... The Delaware Orchid Society or for that matter SEPOS - (they meet virtually also)

and if you are interested, i can PM you details to get in touch with them
Hi Richgarrison: I've attended 2 meetings with De Orchid Society but didn't think to go to their website to see if they have zoom meetings. I will check it out and catch the next meeting. If PM means get in touch with me through messenger I have that so please do. Sorry for the late reply I'm just beginning to familiarize myself with this website.

As a matter of other information, I read about buying paphs. from OrchidInn with Sam Tsui. I did buy 2 from him and was impressed with the way the plants arrived. Packing was wonderful, delivery was prompt with a heat pad inside. and most of all it was great speaking with Sam. He was extremely accessible and understanding. He even answered questions that were related to my purchase as well as questions on a paph. which I have had. I felt he was really interested in getting my purchase to me safely and kind enough to answer questions. He surely will get future purchases from me. Now I hope I can keep them alive and flourishing!
Nice Paph delenatii vinicolor photo. Be very carefully to not give it high fertilizer water as it is sensitive and leaves could easily get fertilizer leaf tip burn.

Hi Paphman910: My plant and I thank you for your reply. I appreciate your comment about the fertilizer too. I have only been fertilizing it weakly 2 times a month and 2 xs with plain RO. So far so good. Stay safe.
Welcome Pam. Sounds

Sounds like you’re doing great. My Ho Chi Minh seems to benefit from a dry either rest once the growths reach blooming size, which sets the bloom. If yours set 3 babies, it does not sound like you lost it! Mine only holds the previously bloomed growths for one season after blooming before they start to fade away, leaf by leaf. For every new growth, it has one previously bloomed growth, which declines once the new growth blooms, and so on.
Hi ButcherT: Update on my Ho Chi Minh: Since posting the mother plant has died but the babies are still alive. Should I now remove the babies? If so please explain to me step by step how I should remove them. The photo shows how the babies are attached on each side of the dead mother plant. I hope you can help me with this problem.


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