
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Welcome on board, Rich!

And some of us, who grow Paphs and Catts with some Bulbophyllum and a few Dendrobium sprinkled in for good measures.

Before you finally decide, whether you are going to join the NCOS or not, might I interest you in our little internet-based branch of PA - Paphioholics Anonymous?
Joining our little selfhelp group is absolutely mandstory, as entering this forum for each one of us represented yet just one more step down the slipper(y) slope!
And let me finish with one final warning: Beware of the enablers, lurking everywhere! ;) 😁

Yet again: most welcome!
Kind regards, Jens
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hey, Jens!! I’m hurt, you never invited me to PA-Paphaholics Anonymous. Don’t I matter, even though I’m in VA?!🤣
I'm ever so sorry, Belle, and apologize most deeply for this faux pas!

You might have entered the vessel in one of my lesser active or unattentive periods - which might serve as an explanation, though not an excuse, for my unchivalrous and illmannered behaviour. I pray, forgive me, fair Lady, and, please, accept my heartfelt invitation for thee, too, to join the PA (which by the way is open to anybody in need of it!)! 🤠

Yours most Sincerely,
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Hey, Jens!! I’m hurt, you never invited me to PA-Paphaholics Anonymous. Don’t I matter, even though I’m in VA?!🤣
PA has now been renamed to OA, Orchioholics Anonymous. Meetings are due to the corona situation at the moment suspended, but I urge you strongly to keep contact with your mentors.
For further information on OA, I refer you to my post in the following thread:
As a clinical psychologist I can affirm that, but rather than outright insane, I think your problems would be better understood as a clinically, full fledged addiction of severe intensity (definately F19.211 - see below)!

And, by the way, having encountered the Catt-people, I realize the urgent need to broaden the scope of our selfhelp-group, Paphioholics Anonymous (PA) to encompass other species. Henceforth it will go under the name OA, Orchioholics Anonymous. (And for your information: I haven't dared, yet, to lift that stone, the Phragmipedium Forum, out of fear of what hides underneath!)

Some of you might have stumbled upon this information before, but for diagnostic matters I refer to WHO's diagnostic manual, ICD-10 ( the 2018 rev.):

F19.2 Other psychoactive substance dependence - and sometimes with F19.211 ..... delirium

”You can get off alcohol, drugs, women, food, and cars, but once you’re hooked on orchids, you’re finished. You never get off orchids…never.”

Joe Kunisch
Commercial orchid grower
Rochester, New York
(cit. Eric Hansen:’ Orchid Fever: A Horticultural Tale of Love, Lust,
and Lunacy’, Pantheon 2000)

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