The number of lights is sufficient for paph growing, anyway. I've used a similar configuration for at least a year on other benches and the paphs bloom and grow fine. I don't have a light meter to measure lumens...
I actually ordered 10 of each color white, they just weren't marked. It was a choice... I have used a very similar setup (everything zip tied to the shelf above). In that one I had 30W 'bright white' and 20W red floods alternating. Excellent blooming on that bench, much better than benches using other configurations. My thought was that perhaps it would look a bit more natural if I used cool and warm white. This is something we used to do all the time with fluorescent lights, at least the T12 and T8 lights. I'd use two cool and two warm in the same fixture. Figured if it worked then, it might work with LEDs. We shall see this winter with the new way, but I can always rebuild the bars with red LEDs if it doesn't work out.
Bench is 30" wide and 8 feet long. Lights are a little higher than they need to be. I need to lower them about 6 inches I think, but I'm going to wait a few days on that.
Naoki, I have not measured power consumption yet... That is easy enough to do, I'll do it this afternoon. That 2x10 array is actually one of the 20W red lights. I just took a picture of it to show what it looks like with a plug. That is a demo unit that I bring to orchid talks, it is a lot easier to plug them into outlets than to bring out the alligator clips. All of the lights I've opened have had the ground attached to the case. I've had some bad luck with 50W units blowing out, I'm sure they are overdriving them... Replacing the drivers soon on those.