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It's like a train wreck in slow motion (or maybe not so slow), and we can't look away. Really, it's not funny at all. It's sickening.
It's important to keep looking so we can stay informed and be proactive.
No offense, many have their adrenal glands pumping at max. What is anyone really going to do to change anything, if there is something particularly approbrious that happens? This is 50% question curious about reply and 50% rhetorical
This latest round of diversion, wiretapping. :eek:
I think his plan is to make so much mess, 'shepherd boy crying "wolf!"', that we get numbed so he can do whatever his agenda wants!

It wont work though...too much is happening that is energizing people ..ACA, immigration, Defense spending, spending cuts ..these are big issues..and you have a liberal progressive base that is still pissed off and they need to put that anger somewhere...which we will ultimately see in the courts with attorney generals of certain states wanting to take advantage of that anger
What is anyone really going to do to change anything...?

The previous two posts are just two examples of what people are going to do.

We will also call our Senators and our Representatives. We will show up at their "Town Hall" meetings. We will protest.

We will hold the orange fascist and all of his minions accountable. We will never forget. We will not allow the world to forget.

We will file lawsuits.

We will run for office.

We will vote.

Hitler was no laughing matter. Neither is Trump.
Lets hope he - the orange alternative - is not what we feel he is. He does go the same path as Hitler but the background of the country is completely different. I hope he isn't able to broaden his support by telling he is the only saviour of a threatened America as long as the opposition in the streets is able to prove that there is no such thread. But - the American rifle association is telling the same fake story for years and they are very successful, to the point that no president and no parliament has been able to stop them. Imagine they unite forces in the same direction (as I think they are beginning to do).
Very few politicians will touch gun law reform .. the NRA has a strong constitutional argument that is extremely difficult to overcome. TRump making an alliance with the NRA does nothing to elevate his control or popularity as gun ownership is held as a right by those on both sides of the aisle. Diminishing returns. And there are few single issue voters ( others than for reasons of the economy). The NRA exercises most of their power in lobbying , a reason why an alliance with Trump won't necessarily benefit them.. their alliances are lofty and not the real center of their power.. their power comes from the constitution
There is a fresh air episode in which Terry Gross interviews someone who has written an article about Sessions and Bannon and their desire to remake America..I am about to hear it now..march 9th

gives a lot of insight into why Sessions and Bannon want to limit immigration
It would be interesting for all those people who were expressing their xenophobia and fear of terrorist attacks by immigrants to come back out of the woodwork and explain to me why it's been white american males doing the harm over the last few months

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