Looks good Charles! When I Korea I enjoyed kimchi that was made with cucumbers in particular. Japanese kimchi tends to be sweeter and less spicy, but is great in soups and stir fries. For a real easy meal I stir fry cut up boneless chicken and kimchi and eat it as is - you could have it over rice it you need more calories.
We have a boiled dish here called nabe that is essentially a big pot of boiling broth that you put almost anything into - meats, dumplings, mushrooms, seafood, tofu, and of course tons of veggies. You put stuff in just long enough to retrieve it to eat on the spot, so the pot sits on the dinner table on a portable gas stove. The various items can be eaten as is, or with a bit of other sauces like ponzu and hot garnishes, etc. ANYWAY, one of my favorite broth stocks for this is kimchi. Very nice to have a meal like this on cold winter days - in fact such meals are one of the mainstays here in winter.