Barely, in the afternoon.Lovely! The deep lip and veining in the tube is so striking. Is it fragrant as well?
Barely, in the afternoon.Lovely! The deep lip and veining in the tube is so striking. Is it fragrant as well?
After opening for 4-5 days, I took the first photos and brought it upstairs to enjoy (normal room temps in sunny east window). The color has lightened somewhat as everything does when it leaves the warmer grow room. These shots were at 9 days open.Thanks for those great shots.
The color is definitely more roxo-bispo, with red undertones.
Terry’s flowers seems to have the exact coloration in lip, with slightly wider petals.
You know there are over 20 varieties to collect?!! Make room ,)Thanks. Hard to get good light without a distracting background.
Exiled due to size?!I have the following:
1. rubra flamea
2. anelata
3. alba
4. striata
5. semialba flamea
They are all exiled into GHs of my friends lol.
My favourite cattleya species are warneris and eldorados. For warneris I collect many albescents and flameas. For eldorado, it’s the semialba flameas.
Yes lolExiled due to size?!