Well-Known Member
There are running bamboos and clumping bamboos... the Fargesia we're talking about are clumping.I thought bamboo was horribly invasive.
There are running bamboos and clumping bamboos... the Fargesia we're talking about are clumping.I thought bamboo was horribly invasive.
No... I got them from various nurseries in MA“Running” bamboo can be invasive. “Clumping” bamboo generally is not invasive.
Phred- were your bamboos from
So true!My favorite thing about gardening is sharing ideas and info... “freely you have received freely give”.
I’m not sure... there were 80 different ones I put in. I do love the dwarf Japanese white pines... Pinus parviflora. I had ‘Adcocks Dwarf’, ‘Arnold Arboretum’ and ‘Fuku Zu Mi’. I was also pretty fond of the Pinus densiflora ‘Oculus Draconis’ (Dragon’s Eye Pine) on the top of the berm in the last photo. I had several Cryptomeria also and the miniatures are very cool.Beautiful!
Love those rocks! I don't know how expensive those boulders are in MA but it will cost a fortune in southern Delaware(we have no mountain, no rocks but beaches and sands)
What are your top five favorite conifer plants in this garden?
Hi Tom-DEI love Japanese white pine(P. parviflora) also. I had one in my old house and it was a spectacular specimen with 3 nice branches/multi trunks. The Japanese umbrella pine(Sciadopitys verticillata) is another favorite of mine. I had to leave both of them behind when we sold that house...I finally added the umbrella pine to my current garden two years ago...I am still trying to find a good Japanese white pine locally.
Another conifer that I really like is the Hinoki Cypress(Cham. obtusa) and I have a few varieties in my garden.
Yes... the Southern Magnolia is hardy where I was. A couple years after that photo we had a very heavy wet snow that broke it off just above the ground and I never got around to planting another.Hi, Phred, Just saw a southern magnolia(assuming) in your landscape. Is it truly hardy in MA.? (not sure what agriculture zone you were in MA).