This is such a vigorous thing. Split a couple of year ago into four and this is the biggest division. This year I purposely grew it in less less than full sun, in a west facing window. It’s still produced nine large blooms from two growths. In the sun there may have been twelve.
It’s probably a mericlone, bought from blue Cattleya on eBay. I don’t think it’s the well know one, ‘azure sky’.
The scent is terrific, way stronger than the purpuratas so this must have come through from the mossiae parent.

It’s probably a mericlone, bought from blue Cattleya on eBay. I don’t think it’s the well know one, ‘azure sky’.
The scent is terrific, way stronger than the purpuratas so this must have come through from the mossiae parent.
