I think John M is on the mark, If the tag is old, it would say Lycaste, don't forget that the Frimbriata section of Lycaste went from Lycaste to Sudamerlycaste to Ida and back to Sudamerlycaste in less than 20 years. The initial transfer to Sudamerlycaste was not published in English, and the hobby is not big on following the literature. The move to Ida was more widely publicized but those authors were appartently not aware of the publication of the Sudamerlycaste article.
What is interesting, the true Lycaste all have leaves that are thin, and these leaves do not last much more than 9 months to 18 months, even in the evergreen species. The true Lycastes generally like brighter light, as for the multifloral Paphs like rothschildianum or philippinense. The Sudamerlycaste have thicker, more durable leaves that last 3 to 5 years. They grow and flower in deeper shade, as for the Maudiae type Paphs, and all are year round growers, none requiring a dry rest. The hybrids are intermediate between the two. The separation of Sudamerlycaste seems valid enough to me, the differences are not just in the flowers. They are a slightly different creature to grow too.