Mexi 2015

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Leiper's Fork, TN
It keeps getting bigger, but I have no place to go with all the growths going over the side of the pot.:( Presently 6 active spikes, some with double blooms and branching).

What is the makeup of the potting mix you both are using? They are very happy in it:)
Looking at your plants, it looks like an easy growing weed, say oxalis ...
nice one,I would transplant it into a rectangular container like the one I have pictures. It will grow like crazy.

That big plastic tote gives me a good idea phrag guy. I think I'm going to set the pot I have into a big tote with substrate and let the growths climb down into the next level. It could be like a wedding cake and just keep dropping to mostly vertical growth instead of taking up a bunch of horizontal bench space.