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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Leiper's Fork, TN
Lance Grow Wild was wondering if the unpotted growths would bloom, and it looks like the answer is yes. I really do need to do something better with this plant though.

Makes a nice hanging basket, I suppose :D

My one growth guy sent out its first stolon recently, I'm ever so excited.
Wow! That's cool! (you know it's my favorite!) Sometimes it is more fun to play(and leave it be) than mess with what appears to be a good thing (repotting).

How many growths is it?
If you end up needing an empty bonsai pot I have one I'd be happy to send you. I can measure but I think it is about 8" x 10-12" x 4" deep and rectangular.

I think mine bloomed for too long last year (April - February) and is now taking a break, though it has three growths that look ready to spike. Time will tell. I'll be curious to know how long yours blooms, Rick. You seem to have a knack for this one too.
Wow! That's cool! (you know it's my favorite!) Sometimes it is more fun to play(and leave it be) than mess with what appears to be a good thing (repotting).

How many growths is it?
If you end up needing an empty bonsai pot I have one I'd be happy to send you. I can measure but I think it is about 8" x 10-12" x 4" deep and rectangular.

I think mine bloomed for too long last year (April - February) and is now taking a break, though it has three growths that look ready to spike. Time will tell. I'll be curious to know how long yours blooms, Rick. You seem to have a knack for this one too.

There are a total of 25 growths. Five are spiking, 10 are hanging outside of the pot. 3 have last years dead spikes. Thanks for the pot offer, but I do have a bonsai pot or two around the house. I'm just short on ambition:eek::eek: Its still in the original potting mix that I got the plant in from Ed M about 3 years ago. Last year mine seemed to bloom a long time too, and a couple of the spikes even branched.
Looks great....

what type of mix are you growing yours in? Mine started two new growths in the fall and then right after they grew a few inches long they stopped growing? The plant appears as if it has not grown at all since the fall.

I have mine in a mix of 2 parts fine bark, 1+ part fine charcoal, 1+ part perlite and have oyster shell asa top dressing. It is in a shallow clay bulb pan with a few granite rocks in the pot for better drainage. I am watering about once a week when it dries (if it looks to dry during the week Iwill spay it a little)
I haven't repotted it in the 5 years I've owned it. I think its in a CHC/spongerock/charcoal mix with oyster shell mixed in. It has a nice growth of live moss on top, and I keep it wetter rather than dryer. It gets lots of bright light.

I have added more oyster shell as a top dress from time to time when I can't see any more at top of the mix I can see past the moss.
It's been three years already Rick? My, my that thing has grown big quickly.

I repotted mine this winter (I think you saw it a few weeks ago Rick) and really load on the oyster shell...3 or 4 tablespoons in a 10 inch bulb pan. I try to follow the Baker Culture sheet for watering...very heavy during the summer, once a week during the winter. But Rick's sure is blooming heavier than mine.
It's been three years already Rick? My, my that thing has grown big quickly.

For some reason I didn't right this one down (or cant find it) in my record book, but I picked up several plants from you in 03, and 04 (the year of our Mid America show) when I think I bought it from you. But the time does move quickly!!
ah, you already had posted pictures! I never looked at past posts, just updated the one I had. nice plant! flowers are pretty decent size as well.

you said you hadn't been able to find any pollen that wasn't related to 'oaxaca'; maybe there isn't any and they all came from the same plant
ah, you already had posted pictures! I never looked at past posts, just updated the one I had. nice plant! flowers are pretty decent size as well.

you said you hadn't been able to find any pollen that wasn't related to 'oaxaca'; maybe there isn't any and they all came from the same plant

All five spikes are in bloom/bud now too, and a couple have branched. One day I counted 8 open flowers.

I have only heard of 2 parental lines of this species floating around. I don't think anyone is more than up to F2 on any given line so it may not be that big a deal to self still. But its worth knowing if other lines are around.

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