Catasetum Karen Armstrong 'SVO' x C. Alex 'Good One'.
It actually spiked back in May, but that one never got too far and dried up.
The plant made another spike right over the dead one in late June and now it is in bloom.
All thirteen buds have made it!
I was hoping for darker flowers like the parents, but this is a surprise.
It started to open Monday, VERY slowly.
Finally, today there is some scent, but it smells bad, sort of like a naphthalene?
The second photo shows correct color. It's rather pale. Oh, well...
I have one more Catasetum that I am really excited about and looking forward to, though!
My C. pileatum, a first time bloomer it will be, is popping two spikes!!!! Jumping for joy!!! haha
It actually spiked back in May, but that one never got too far and dried up.
The plant made another spike right over the dead one in late June and now it is in bloom.
All thirteen buds have made it!
I was hoping for darker flowers like the parents, but this is a surprise.
It started to open Monday, VERY slowly.
Finally, today there is some scent, but it smells bad, sort of like a naphthalene?
The second photo shows correct color. It's rather pale. Oh, well...
I have one more Catasetum that I am really excited about and looking forward to, though!
My C. pileatum, a first time bloomer it will be, is popping two spikes!!!! Jumping for joy!!! haha