your knocked around flask I would probably pot right away. that's the advice I've heard from flask people since the media will choke out the air to the leaves etc.
it's cool that you can get that osmoglossum to grow and flower in your office! guess it's pretty happy...
dude, you've got so many plants that if you decide to student judge at the cnyos show next october, you could easily have your own display oke:
glad to see that my packing job was so photogenic!
1/2 of the terrestrials are potted up. Of course I ran out of pots! After SEPOS and a trip to Montreal I should be bought out! The xenon lights were installed and I'm seeing if the phrag seedlings in there are improving. I'm still going to try to get Jump-Start light set on the cheap to put over my paphs.
Thanx for the info. I made a mix of sandy topsoil, shredded sphag, chicken grit, (you have no idea how much sayiing that cracks me up! ), and potting soil.
I actually put all my plants in the same soil. Les does list on the plant list that corybas do prefer at least 5mm of covering over the top of the soil