Monsanto shall pay 289 million US$ indemnity

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I live in Seattle ..probably the area with more homeopaths per square mile than any other city in the US...many of them prescribe to a balanced approach to homeopathy and medical science...they are called naturopaths/osteopaths.

Yes, that is typical evidence for decadence of a affluent society.
Osteopaths are a special form of faith healers also.

For Troy, my special field is generative propagation of Calypso bulbosa. But I think that is to much special for You.
GOOD!!! While I dont think there is a strong correlation between cancer and glyphosate,.. I do believe the company has overreached in proprietary rights with their seeds.

:p ...I actually must admit that I had the same sentiments at the decision. I don't agree with the evidence presented, but it was wonderful to see Monsanto get slapped down for once. I have to wonder how much of the jury decision was based purely on bias against Monsanto. I have no sympathy here, Monsanto brings this on themselves - funny thing, when you act like a *********, people tend to not like you...

Right now, most corn crop is used for feeding cows (which is ******** given that cows are ruminants and probably contributes to the need for antibiotics) and for food additives like lecithin and high fructose corn syrup , the principle component of COCA COLA!!!

It's actually much worse than that. Feeding cows corn creates a health risk for humans who eat the butchered meat. Because they are ruminants and not adapted to eating grains, feeding grain creates a much more acidic stomach environment then is seen in grass-fed beef. This leads to acid-resistant strains of E. coli that would normally die in the human digestive tract, but can now survive and cause food poisoning in humans. While grass-fed beef is not, and has never been, free from E. coli problems, the risk is a lot lower.
It's actually much worse than that. Feeding cows corn creates a health risk for humans who eat the butchered meat. Because they are ruminants and not adapted to eating grains, feeding grain creates a much more acidic stomach environment then is seen in grass-fed beef. This leads to acid-resistant strains of E. coli that would normally die in the human digestive tract, but can now survive and cause food poisoning in humans. While grass-fed beef is not, and has never been, free from E. coli problems, the risk is a lot lower.

yep, I stopped eating beef in the nineties when word of this was seeping into the public conscious...I will occasionally eat it now because the availability of grass fed beef is fairly high in my state
Yes, that is typical evidence for decadence of a affluent society.
Osteopaths are a special form of faith healers also.

it's because Seattle is a leading center for medical education and research (especially cancer). The awareness of health in Seattle has attracted many cross disciplines that work in tandem with western medicine...such as massage and feldenkrais.

You obviously believe that someone is best off just taking 30 kinds of pharmaceutical pills for their ailment and call that good health...makes sense, you seem to be a corporate puppet anyway. I bet you even have a great deal of investment in pharmaceutical companies. We know you like to do lap dances for Monsanto
it's because Seattle is a leading center for medical education and research (especially cancer). The awareness of health in Seattle has attracted many cross disciplines that work in tandem with western medicine...such as massage and feldenkrais.

Homeopathy is no science and by that cannot be part of university education. It is an ideology.
I agree that placebo effect can be useful in some medical status of disease.

But homeopaths deny the placebo effect and insist in a true physiologic impact of a D30 dilution, what means a real deception of patients.
Homeopathy is no science and by that cannot be part of university education. It is an ideology.
I agree that placebo effect can be useful in some medical status of disease.

But homeopaths deny the placebo effect and argue a true physiologic impact of a D30 dilution, what means a real deception of patients.

well, science can be applied to homeopathy because it is falsifiable...just because something fails to be effective in clinical trials based on strict controls does not mean it cant be just shows that homeopathy has no can apply science to ghost hunting also. Western medicine is also an ideology ...anything is an ideology, science can be an ideology (especially in interpretation of evidence) , ..I think the term you want is 'faith' in the context of no evidence ...yes, homeopathic tinctures as they are called lack the credibility based on scientific but can still undergo scientific scrutiny...religion/spirituality cannot be scrutinized under science because it lacks the ability to be, religion is strictly a faith based ideology. Strictly speaking , homeopathy is the application of small doses of a material, for the treatment of disease, that would normally be toxic to an individual (not usually practiced in a scientific way but nonetheless, can be) is not faith based but some people apply a faith to it from the inclusion of religion...this is how human minds work...anyway, treatment of disease is more than just the application of western medicine (environment and placebic effect are very important) already knows this...pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know this.

I am doing all the heavy lifting here Berthold..would be nice if you could explain your reasoning know, like someone who knows what they are talking about

You are human Berthold...not a can make distinctions but still acknowledge that we don't live in bubbles ..everything is interconnected ..everything came from the same source
I can recommend all educated people only application of evidence based medical therapy. That will extend life time.

Homeopathy is not evidence based.
I can recommend all educated people only application of evidence based medical therapy. That will extend life time.

Homeopathy is not evidence based.

How christian of you..and if the person isn't educated? what if the person asks why? are you going to insult their intelligence because you don't have the ability to extend a conversation beyond simplistic statements and absolute conclusions?
There is more to living than just extending life...if quality of life is terrible, what's the point ? if a person is in excruciating pain everyday , can barely function because they don't have the energy , because the chemo they received may give them a 20 % chance of living a few more months ..whats the point?? There comes a point in everyones life when they need to take stock and accept the terms that they are facing...the ideology of western medicine promotes sickness while being alive (an ideology reinforced by catholicism BTW), much of which is based in fear...but many of us are conditioned in this manner. I am not going to say that everyone who chooses homeopathy over western medicine is well informed but if you, are it takes a high level of courage to discard that evidence. If homeopathy gives a patient the respite to face death as part of being a fully alive person , then homeopathy has done more than western medicine could ever do. If there is one thing that science can confirm about being that we are much more than evidentiary based beings.

When I was much younger, I studied the Iching and some tarot, studied the Tibetan Book of the Dead, The gain insight into my life and what direction I wanted to go.. I always remember this card from the only tarot deck I have reminds me of the mentality of 'western' ideologies pervasive it is in every sector of our society ..from health to food , just our environment in general.


The question we could all ask ourselves..Why am I here? It's a deeply personal question and goes beyond any social construction we have invented for ourselves...and has an infinite number of answers and usually requires a great deal of reflection and insight...letting go of what is 'absolute truth', I have found is a way to aid the process
There is more to living than just extending life...if quality of life is terrible, what's the point ?

Yes, if live is boring You can apply ASMR and You will have more joy to wait for the next decision of the court against Monsanto.
I am not christian or religious.
Yes, if live is boring You can apply ASMR and You will have more joy to wait for the next decision of the court against Monsanto.
I am not christian or religious.

you are of a western mindset, like most of us ...we all have grown up under the very strong influence of christianity is as much a part of our social structure as our need to breathe air
...we all have grown up under the very strong influence of christianity is as much a part of our social structure as our need to breathe air

No, I was influenced by ethic moral principals of my parents, who were not religious.
Many years later I noticed that Christians and other religions follow parts of these principals also.

So from the 10 commandments of the bible I only accept commandment 4 to 10 (catholic counting).

But now enough off topics

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