More Phalaenopsis Species and Hybrid Flasks

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
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Southlake, Texas
These are phalaenopsis crosses I made in late summer 2009 and sent the seedpods to Mrs Root's Orchid lab in California. She is doing a fantastic jobs that I am getting some flasks back in 13 months. Much faster than what I am used to. I am sooooooo behind on deflasking, even though her flasks are so easy to open. Anyway, here are more selections.

F1116 Phal sanderiana (sanderiana 'Joy' X sanderiana 'South Olive' AM/AOS) $95

We re-made this Phalaenopsis sanderiana per the suggestion of our friend Ken Avant. Pod parent 'Joy' originated from Joseph Wu - it has large nice and excellent flower form. Paired with an classic awarded 'South Olive' with darker color, we hope that these will have the best features from both parents - good form and deep color.

Phalaenopsis sanderiana 'South Olive' AM/AOS was awarded in 1962 "Branched spike with six flowers and ten buds. A very outstanding sanderiana; flowers of deep color with considerable veining."

F1122 Phal (Lea Marie Salazar 'Joy No. 3' X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) $95

Pod parent Phal Lear Marie Salazar is a hybrid of Buena Jewel x Coral Isles with round form and dark reddish purple flowers. 'Joy No. 3' has heavy substance and fragrance. Paired with a proven breeder Dragon Tree Eagle that would pass on its deep golden yellow color, we are expecting fragrant red flowers this pair.

F1136 Phal (Joy Spring Canary 'Texas' X Zuma Garnet 'Plantation' HCC/AOS) $95

Pod parent is a selected flower from Joseph Wu's original cross. It has good strong yellow color and good flower form. Pair with an intense red color pollen parent Zuma Garnet (Malibu Imp x George Vasquez), we are expect rounder fragrant, red flowers from this pair.

F1137 Phal bellina (bellina 'GW103' X bellina 'Green OK149') --- sold out

This is a remake of a popular phalaenopsis species. Phalaenopsis bellina is not only colorful. It is arguably to have the most pleasing fragrance.

We used two colorful flowers and hoping to have many flowers with green, purple, and white colors. The seedlings in flasks all have round leaves - a trait that makes this species nice to look at even when the plant is not flower.

F1138 Phal (bellina 'Joy' X reichenbachiana 'Orchidphile' CBR/AOS) $95

This is a new and fun primary hybrid to flower. We use a very round flower of Phal bellina, and our expectation is to creating a star sape colorful primary hybrid like Phal Princess Kaiulani (amboinensis x violacea) or Phal Golden Pride (amboinensis x fasciata). Phal reichenbachiana has not been used in hybridizing much. We are expecting Phal reichenbachiana to breed like Phal fasciata to pass on glossy texture, deep golden yellow color, and star shape form to its progeny. Expect these to be vigorous and easier to grow than Phal bellina. The seedlings in flask look strong and resemble Phal reichenbachiana.

F1139 Phal (Joy Spring Canary 'Rainbow' X Red Magic 'Creole') $95

Pollen parent Phal Red Magic is a hybrid of Spica and speciosa. It is possible that speciosa used is actually Phal pulchra. 'Creole' is a selected cultivar of Phal Red Magic because it has bright red color and the flower is relatively flat. Pairing with a colorful novelty Phal Joy Spring Canary - we are expecting rounder bright red flowers from this pair.

F1140 Phal (Mrs Joyce Stewart 'Select' X Red Magic 'Creole') $95

This hybrid is similar to F1139. Pod parent Mrs. Joy Stewart is Yungho Gelb Canary x amboinensis f. flava. It has deep golden yellow base color. Pollen parent Phal Red Magic is a hybrid of Spica and speciosa. It is possible that speciosa used is actually Phal pulchra. 'Creole' is a selected cultivar of Phal Red Magic because it has bright red color and the flower is relatively flat. We are expecting waxy red from this pair.

F1141 Phal (Tsay's Evergreen 'TH' X Red Magic 'Creole') $75

Pod parent is a very floriferous hybrid of Phal Mambo. It has rounder petals, star form with good yellow base color. Pollen parent Phal Red Magic is a hybrid of Spica and speciosa. It is possible that speciosa used is actually Phal pulchra. 'Creole' is a selected cultivar of Phal Red Magic because it has bright red color and the flower is relatively flat. We are expecting many star-shape reds from this pair.

F1142 Phal amboinensis (amboinensis 'Spring Creek' AM/AOS X amboinensis 'Wu#1') $125

This is a remake of a colorful phalaenopsis species. Pod parent 'Spring Creek' is a proven breeder that was used extensively by the late Dr John Martin. Our pod parent is a stem propagated plant from our friend Ken Avant who got it from Dr. Martin.

Pair with an Phal amboinensis originated from Joseph Wu (Malaysian strain that a few siblings have produced flava like flower), we should expect good color from this pair. Maybe reds?

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