Morning in my garden

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
The other morning I was up early and took these shots at sunrise.

Hosta flowers - the yellow color is from the mellow light conditions:


Here's a staghorn fern from Australia, Platycerium superbum along with some Spanish moss, Tillandsia usneoides:


And a sporing frond of the Japanese native epiphytic fern, Asplenium antiquum, the most cold resistant of the so called birdnest ferns:


The first taste of fall in the air these days, well, at least for southern Japan - translation, 75 F in the morning as opposed to 80-82. Get those sweaters another 6 weeks!
Love the variety of plants at your home.
On the last photo, is that reproduction on the bottom of those leaves?
Lovely lighting.

It was chilly here today, also. For August, it was only 65ºF -- Late September weather. I sure hope that doesn't mean an early Winter!
Love the variety of plants at your home.
On the last photo, is that reproduction on the bottom of those leaves?

Yup, those are sori - the pattern of spores on the fern's fronds. I'm lucky that I can grow both heat tolerant temperate plants right alongside cold tolerant subtropicals thanks to Kyushu's unique climate.

It's been cool here too Dot. This morning it got down to 69 F, but it will heat up near 90 degrees by mid afternoon. This summer has been an odd one with strong rain events, many cloudy days, and cooler than normal temperatures. What's odd is that the winters are increasingly more mild with frosts becoming uncommon and snows rare and ephemeral. The climate is shifting in this neck of the woods, and rapidly.
Our last Winter was one of the coldest on record, and this Summer has been one of the coolest. Hard to know what is going on here!
I think I'm moving to Kyushu. I'll be on the next plane in. Neos and hostas and ferns, oh my.
Our last Winter was one of the coldest on record, and this Summer has been one of the coolest. Hard to know what is going on here!

distruption of atlantic and pacific ocean currents caused by high ice melt; keeps the warmer water from cycling up and then back down along the coasts. I'm guessing but pretty sure that when this happens, the jet stream dips down, and the siberian air follows the jet stream down, which usually acts like a dam holding it up. another guess is that this will lead to generally cooler temps overall in the usual 'cold winter' areas, but over longer periods of time. these areas are also where the last ice ages had covered with ice. could be that there will be more severe storms along the boundaries between hot and cold, sort of like why we saw so many hailstorms last year, and it was so cool here when down in pennsylvania and points south it was very hot! we had lots of clouds, rain and of course the epidemic of blight for potatoes and tomatoes (not my potatoes, got ten lbs for three tubers planted!).

granted that this is speculation from wide reading, but it seems to be following so far, unfortunately. upstate ny may have had so many boundary native orchids that are now receding up into canada, because it was usually very damp and cloudy and then rarely got very extreme heat, which these species hate.

... and very nice pictures!
Beautiful photos! I learned something, also. I didn't realize that Spanish moss was a type of Tillandsia! It makes sense when you see how it grows, but that never occurred to me before. Thanks for the info and the photos!

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