If you are interested in kolopakingii X delenatii (Dr. Toot), here is my price.
up to 20cm leaf span $10 or give away free if you buy any of the big ones.
Up to 30 cm $25
30-40 cm $35.
One 50cm $50. Just about to flower.
sorry no photo, and can't find one either in Taiwan Paph 2,3 or 4. Maybe there should be one, in "Orchid Whiz". Howard.
If you are interested in kolopakingii X delenatii (Dr. Toot), here is my price.
up to 20cm leaf span $10 or give away free if you buy any of the big ones.
Up to 30 cm $25
30-40 cm $35.
One 50cm $50. Just about to flower.
sorry no photo, and can't find one either in Taiwan Paph 2,3 or 4. Maybe there should be one, in "Orchid Whiz". Howard.