Recently divided some multiflorals paphs and have the following for sale:
Michael Tibbs (armeniacum x philippinense) 8" LS, $35
Wiertzianum (lawrenceanum x rothschildianum) 12" LS $40
Numa (stonei x lawrenceanum) 15" LS $40
Delrosi (delenatii x rothschildianum) 13" LS $35
gardenerii 11"LS $35
esquirolei 16" LS on largest growth, 2 growths $50
hirsutissimum 18" LS on largest growth, 2 growths $50
supardii 11"LS $40
PM me if you are interested. Due to CITES issues, offer only available to Canadian members.
Michael Tibbs (armeniacum x philippinense) 8" LS, $35
Wiertzianum (lawrenceanum x rothschildianum) 12" LS $40
Numa (stonei x lawrenceanum) 15" LS $40
Delrosi (delenatii x rothschildianum) 13" LS $35
gardenerii 11"LS $35
esquirolei 16" LS on largest growth, 2 growths $50
hirsutissimum 18" LS on largest growth, 2 growths $50
supardii 11"LS $40
PM me if you are interested. Due to CITES issues, offer only available to Canadian members.