Chico (..... the clown)
A very rapidly expanding collection you have there, bit of a population explosion!
Hm? What? I've no idea what you're talking about... *whistles innocently* :wink:A very rapidly expanding collection you have there, bit of a population explosion!
It's a real beauty and I'm so glad I got one! My friend is going to come over and have a look at it, I've warned her it's even more beautiful than the malipoense.The Orchid Inn Paph delenatii vinicolor (dunkel) is beautiful!
I am sure the barbatum and the urbanianum will grow well for you!
Subgenus Polyantha:
Paph. rothschildianum 'Big Garden' x 'Lark' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Jim Crull' FCC/AOS x 'Canadian Club' GM/JOGA
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Miliais' x self (although I seriously doubt that)
Paph. rothschildianum x sib 'Oriental Red' x 'Mont Miliais' FCC/AOS
Paph. rothschildianum 'Starship' x self[/I]
Hehe, and I want even more, like a Dollgoldi (another hard to flower cross, why not?)...That is quite a collection!
I was very pleased with my delenatii and I'm so glad you guys posted pictures of their foliage, 'caues it's stunning.Nice collection! That is one chunky delenatii dunkel! I was rather disapointed in mine (that later died and needs to be replaced).
You gotta love 'em! I like that the flowers look so cheeky/cocky, like they're asking for trouble. I also like roth/parvi hybrids since the roth parent gives the toilets' petals the stretch they need. :rollhappy:Turning out as a roth connoisseur hey!
Because, 1) I've seen none for sale here in Europe, 2) if I wanted another slow, difficult sigmatopetalum besides mastersianum, I would go for a wentworthianum instead. :wink:Why is papuanum missing on your list?
I have flowered a few of them: cerveranum (duh!), superbiens, ciliolare, gratrixianum, purpuratum, Ashburtoniae, robinsonii, venustum, and callosum var. sublaeve. Some have tried, but not managed all the way; Maudiae 'Schwarze Madonna', wardii, and schoseri. Most of my plants are seedlings and I don't know when they'll reach BS. I hope I'll be able flower them all, but only time will tell if I succeed. As a first year as a Paph owner, I don't think I've done half bad at least.Impressive collection, now you just need to flower them![]()
Well, we all need a White Whale in our lives, right. :rollhappy:Goodluck finding far as i know its a myth.
And you need more sigmatopetalums!You need more parvis!oke:
Thank you, although the fact that I've killed one and caused serious, maybe irreparable, damage to another two, is not good. But I think I've learned my lesson from these three.You have done incredibly well!
Nah, seriously, why get something you don't like? A waste of money I say.![]()
Thank you, although the fact that I've killed one and caused serious, maybe irreparable, damage to another two, is not good. But I think I've learned my lesson from these three.
Um... I only have two parvis, and one of them was a freebie. I only kept it because it was free, and the foliage was pretty. The only parvi I've gone out of my way to buy is the delenatii, and that was also only because of the foliage. I think the flowers of delenatii are okay, so I won't mind if it flowers.You already have 3 Parvis and one of your wishlist hybrids is a Parvi cross!oke: "Luke, come to the dark side"
I kill more than that every week.![]()
Same as I said to NYEric, you own more than I do, which makes fatalities more prone to happen I think (you can't adapt your care to each individual Paph as I have the possibility to do, since there's just not enough time for that).You are not alone in that![]()