Looks more prim than some I've seen. The broad pentagon staminode seems right. But I pretty much doubt any primulinum these days. I have a dozen or so out of flask for a few months from a good source that I hope will be believable.
First unbelievable fact, the flower is 3.25 inches wide and high. 2nd, The dorsal concaved surface should be wrinkle/ bumpy...smooth as a baby's bottom.
The tag: PA2228, prim var. album X sib ('Green Elf' X 'Hsinying')
Unless there's tetraploid giant prims I don't know about then I say its a fake.
A few years ago hundreds of Paph. Pinocchio with strong album characteristics were being passed off as Paph. primulinum var. album by a very large nursery in California. It seemed inevitable at the time that these would make it into the breeding programs of unwitting customers. This could be a result.