My first attempt at making a bed

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Very nice woodwork and excellent corals!
Relatives have told me that in central ny the meth makers have taken to cooking drugs in the car while driving or out somewhere in the woods. Been warned to never touch soda bottles etc along the road because sometimes discarded chems explode. Ny has that 5c bottle deposit but don't think it's worth anyone trying to collect them

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Great. It took a year after they were caught before I could sing again, and at least 3 months before I stopped getting daily nosebleeds.
Great. It took a year after they were caught before I could sing again, and at least 3 months before I stopped getting daily nosebleeds.

Oh wow! I knew cooking meth was really bad, I did not know it was so bad that you as a neighbor even suffered THAT much!!! I am so sorry you had to go through that, but I am also very happy for you that they are gone and it sounds like you are healing!

Crazy ****. Glad the meth lab is defunct and you are going to resurrect that amazing aquarium. Great furniture too.