Paph. Norito Hasegawa ( malipoense x armeniacum)
These are about half year out of flask.
I do not really have preference where or not to leave the agar on, but this one I tried to separate as much as possible but in vain.
The roots were so tangled up, I had to keep the whole thing together. It did come off as two big chunks as seen here.
I lost a few tiny plants in the process, but there are still well over 30 plants all together. I wish I had all the space to grow them out and see them flower, and enjoy the variability among them. Oh, well...
The bigger compot (4 in plastic pot) with about two dozens of plants. There are quite a bit of size differences among the plants.
Smaller compot containing about a dozen of plants.
Paph. Doll's Kobold. (henryanum x charlesworthii)
I potted the whole thing with the agar on. The roots were just too crazy intertwined. This contains about 20 something plants I think.
I find both species rather slow growers and these little ones have been quite slow as well. Out of flask for about 10 months now.
The size of the plants are quite uniform with a few very small ones hidden under larger ones. I really need to repot these guys, but I have been lazy. lol
5 inch plastic pot.
Paph. Delrosi ( delenatii x rothchildianum) and Paph. charlesworthii (with plain leaves with no patterns on them).
I bought two charlie seedlings of the same batch earlier this winter, but they have not grown much at all. I have a same problem with any hybrids with charlies as well, but then again, I might just be having bad luck getting crappy plants as I only have tried a few. I might buy more and see if I get luck in getting faster growing plants. For now, they are small and do not take up much space, so I'll keep them. I paid good money for them too coming from a well known breeder.
More Paph. Delrosi. from the same batch. The flask did not have that many plants, and a few were tossed. I have just a few now after donating & selling a few. These are about 10 month out of the flask.
Paph. Rolfei ( bellatulum x rothchildianum) I am not a big fan of speckled (or spotted) white flowers of brachys nor hybrids of (brachy x multi), but I have seen this gorgeous flowers from Tokyo show, and was "inspired" to buy some just in case I get real lucky. most likely not, but I can dream while they are growing.
2.5 in plastic pot. It has been a great grower. I have three more and all are great grower, and I like the glossy thick leaves on these plants.
This second picture really shows the history. The top 5 leaves came under my care since I got these about one year ago. The size and the growing speed has been quite something for me. love it!
This is my only multi-floral paph I have. It was a gift from ST member last year. Monsoon Ridge x Shinyi's Pride is the name I think.
It is pushing a third leaf under my care. The second leaf is double the size of the previous ones and I was very excited to see it!
By the way, anyone can tell me how big this hybrid will get. approximately, of course.
These are about half year out of flask.
I do not really have preference where or not to leave the agar on, but this one I tried to separate as much as possible but in vain.
The roots were so tangled up, I had to keep the whole thing together. It did come off as two big chunks as seen here.
I lost a few tiny plants in the process, but there are still well over 30 plants all together. I wish I had all the space to grow them out and see them flower, and enjoy the variability among them. Oh, well...
The bigger compot (4 in plastic pot) with about two dozens of plants. There are quite a bit of size differences among the plants.

Smaller compot containing about a dozen of plants.

Paph. Doll's Kobold. (henryanum x charlesworthii)
I potted the whole thing with the agar on. The roots were just too crazy intertwined. This contains about 20 something plants I think.
I find both species rather slow growers and these little ones have been quite slow as well. Out of flask for about 10 months now.
The size of the plants are quite uniform with a few very small ones hidden under larger ones. I really need to repot these guys, but I have been lazy. lol
5 inch plastic pot.

Paph. Delrosi ( delenatii x rothchildianum) and Paph. charlesworthii (with plain leaves with no patterns on them).
I bought two charlie seedlings of the same batch earlier this winter, but they have not grown much at all. I have a same problem with any hybrids with charlies as well, but then again, I might just be having bad luck getting crappy plants as I only have tried a few. I might buy more and see if I get luck in getting faster growing plants. For now, they are small and do not take up much space, so I'll keep them. I paid good money for them too coming from a well known breeder.

More Paph. Delrosi. from the same batch. The flask did not have that many plants, and a few were tossed. I have just a few now after donating & selling a few. These are about 10 month out of the flask.

Paph. Rolfei ( bellatulum x rothchildianum) I am not a big fan of speckled (or spotted) white flowers of brachys nor hybrids of (brachy x multi), but I have seen this gorgeous flowers from Tokyo show, and was "inspired" to buy some just in case I get real lucky. most likely not, but I can dream while they are growing.
2.5 in plastic pot. It has been a great grower. I have three more and all are great grower, and I like the glossy thick leaves on these plants.

This second picture really shows the history. The top 5 leaves came under my care since I got these about one year ago. The size and the growing speed has been quite something for me. love it!

This is my only multi-floral paph I have. It was a gift from ST member last year. Monsoon Ridge x Shinyi's Pride is the name I think.
It is pushing a third leaf under my care. The second leaf is double the size of the previous ones and I was very excited to see it!
By the way, anyone can tell me how big this hybrid will get. approximately, of course.