My Paph rothschildianum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Another one of Sam Tsui's plants, the cross is 'Sam's Best' FCC/AOS x 'Rex' FCC/AOS.

Growing on a windowsill. I know I probably shouldn't be but I'm a little disappointed about the flower count simply because I think it would have had more had I supplemented the light in the winter. I'll have to try and address that. I'm happy otherwise even if it's not quite as impressive as the more modern, state of the art roths.




I noticed that the petals move throughout the day but I didn't bother waiting until they were perfectly straight. The spread is about 26-27 cm. The dorsal is 5cm wide.
Hi Elena, I think it looks great. I have one in bud right now that I've grown from a young plant and I'd be happy as a pig in #@!* if it looks as nice as yours.

Looks great to me. Is it a first time bloomer? If so it should have more flowers next time. Both of mine that are blooming size had two flowers on their first blooming.
Thanks guys!

Yup, it's a first timer. Leaf span is about 30 inches and it has two young growths. You can see the third teaser bud that never fully developed in the profile shot.

But, hey, it's a roth flowering on a windowsill. I'm happy overall :)

Good luck with your, Bill, and welcome to slippertalk!
Hi Elena, I think it looks great. I have one in bud right now that I've grown from a young plant and I'd be happy as a pig in #@!* if it looks as nice as yours.Bill

Looks great to me. Is it a first time bloomer? If so it should have more flowers next time. Both of mine that are blooming size had two flowers on their first blooming.

I'm with Bill & Wendy! Congrats on blooming! :clap::clap:

Welcome Bill - hope you started a thread introducing yourself!
Great looking roth, saturated pouch, strong stance and great stripes all you need now is more flowers. And that will come with time!
From the photo it looks like it has one mature fan.
It looks great for a first time bloomer!
Your flower count will improve with more growths.
Great photograph, nice color and sharp! focus.
you know that's something what I am dreaming of: have some of those super blooms on one of my roths :):) !!!! Great pictures too !!! Bravo!! Jean
Looks great to me! I have adult plant from the same cross growing on my windowsill and only dream it will bloom as yours one day.