
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Brian Monk

Has anyone ever considered using these fungi in the culture of their Paphs? It seems to me that the presence of mycorrhizal fungi is especially great in the humus layer of the forest floor (or any upper layer of the earth, anywhere). When I have had the opportunity to harvest fresh leaves for use in mixes I always fing hyphae and fruiting bodies of these fungi.

What do you think??
I tried it a 2-3 years ago and started a thread on it. You might try to resurrect it.

Really mixed results and opinions. I think it has potential but I didn't keep it up with all my new stuff coming in to make it a practice with definitive results.

Some "saves" and some "losses". I still have some of the plants I tried it on.

One of the issues that I faced, is that the mycorrhizhae species that came in the commercial preparations I was able to obtain were different for what was documented for orchids. Many genera in common but not down to the species level.