Well-Known Member
Very fine Picture!!! Jean
I had pre-ordered and cancelled but I think I am going to have to bite the bullet. I may only have two slippers right now but...hrm....
Ahh...good question, Rob. We're so in need of a good book on Phramipedium!
Word on the street is that Cribb has one in the pipeline, but I'm pretty sure I heard that well over a year ago, so who really knows?
Lance A. Birk"s new edition of the Paphiopedilum Grower's Manual or Koopowitz's book???? Which of these two do you think should be the first choice for a novice paphiopedilum grower? By the way Amazon has Kopowitz's book for $37.77 though it has a different cover and more pages.
Dr. Guido Braem is also doing quite some research on Phragmipedium lately. See for example his articles on the section Phragmipedium (the caudatum-group) which he published in the last year or two.
I wonder if he is preparing for a publication on the entire genus.