new niveum

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This is one a several niveums I got from Paphiness, from Thailand stock.

Never thrilled when horns sprout - oh well, there's a couple more in bud!
niveum #2

... well I'm doing something consistent, I've got horns on this one too!:(
We had a cool, wet spring, then a week of upper 80's-90's and now a few days of 65!

Here's a side by side with #1.
Rose are you using any Malathion for pest control? A friend would get simiular results on budded complexs after spraying.
I had one of those little horns on the pouch of my niveum too. Seems to be more predominant in niveums? Otherwise they look really nice.
Rose are you using any Malathion for pest control? A friend would get simiular results on budded complexs after spraying.
Nope. I've been on a regular program of enstar II & decathon which was last applied April/May. The one thing I noticed is after the first one was in the house 7-10 days the horns lessened. What's the difference? Lower light, lower temps, less humidity, maybe more watering. Does this make any sense? I don't think so.