New Paph Grower

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New Member
Sep 6, 2024
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Hi, I'm a long time lurker. I grow paphs (and a few cymbidiums and phals) on windowsills in dull, cold Ireland. Its a miracle they survive! I grew a lot (i mean 'a lot') of cacti in my youth but had to pass them on at 18. During the covid years I got the itch to grow again and dived in with my interest in orchids. I must have a fondness for slow growers.
Welcome from Portland, OR, USA. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that you used to grow cacti and are now growing orchids. I was collecting Sanseveria before moving into orchids. Both slow-growing, but what a difference in maintenance! I sometimes ask myself what I was thinking🙂.

I joined the group last year and have found the group to be welcoming and a great source of info.
Welcome from WA state, also a dull and cold place. I am a new-to-paph and windowsill grower as well. What all are you growing on your sills?
Thank you all for the kind welcome. Im growing a Roth and a couple of its crosses, a curtsii, Black Jack, Pinocchio types, Barbatum, niveum crosses, Black Madonna, etc. Too many to name. I recently purchased a rungsurianum which I'm really hoping I won't kill. Its very teeny weeny and I think it and its recent crosses are currently only permissable/ available in Europe. It came in the same package as a very large Stone Ground. I have some in a south east facing window and the window opposite has lights to boost the dullness. I grow Taiwanese phal hybrids and what were once called doritaenopsis. I especially like the spotted ones.
Wow! You must have huge windows and they must be very full. I had to look up doritaenopsis. I read that an awarded cultivar in 1975 had a 2.4 m inflorescence and 75 blooms. A veritable orchid tree. Hope your windowsill growers are distant cousins and not close relatives. 😂 This will be my first winter with more than 2 paphs. I am hoping to get by without supplemental light. If not, I might be looking for some advice in that arena.

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