New Paph Grower

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Sep 6, 2024
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Hi, I'm a long time lurker. I grow paphs (and a few cymbidiums and phals) on windowsills in dull, cold Ireland. Its a miracle they survive! I grew a lot (i mean 'a lot') of cacti in my youth but had to pass them on at 18. During the covid years I got the itch to grow again and dived in with my interest in orchids. I must have a fondness for slow growers.
Welcome from Portland, OR, USA. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that you used to grow cacti and are now growing orchids. I was collecting Sanseveria before moving into orchids. Both slow-growing, but what a difference in maintenance! I sometimes ask myself what I was thinking🙂.

I joined the group last year and have found the group to be welcoming and a great source of info.
Welcome from WA state, also a dull and cold place. I am a new-to-paph and windowsill grower as well. What all are you growing on your sills?
Thank you all for the kind welcome. Im growing a Roth and a couple of its crosses, a curtsii, Black Jack, Pinocchio types, Barbatum, niveum crosses, Black Madonna, etc. Too many to name. I recently purchased a rungsurianum which I'm really hoping I won't kill. Its very teeny weeny and I think it and its recent crosses are currently only permissable/ available in Europe. It came in the same package as a very large Stone Ground. I have some in a south east facing window and the window opposite has lights to boost the dullness. I grow Taiwanese phal hybrids and what were once called doritaenopsis. I especially like the spotted ones.
Wow! You must have huge windows and they must be very full. I had to look up doritaenopsis. I read that an awarded cultivar in 1975 had a 2.4 m inflorescence and 75 blooms. A veritable orchid tree. Hope your windowsill growers are distant cousins and not close relatives. 😂 This will be my first winter with more than 2 paphs. I am hoping to get by without supplemental light. If not, I might be looking for some advice in that arena.
Welcome from Montreal Canada. My windows do not have much sunshine so I have grown under lights for many years. Currently, I am using LED lights and am very pleased with the growth of the plants. As I move around this site, I am very impressed with the growth of their plants and flowers that some people achieve with windowsill culture.
Welcome from Canada's west coast where the Fraser River meets the Pacific Ocean. It's also dull and damp here for most of the year so I have a grow room where my orchids grow quite happily on light stands. You have an amazing collection already and you'll learn a lot from the good folks on this forum.
Hi, I'm a long time lurker. I grow paphs (and a few cymbidiums and phals) on windowsills in dull, cold Ireland. Its a miracle they survive! I grew a lot (i mean 'a lot') of cacti in my youth but had to pass them on at 18. During the covid years I got the itch to grow again and dived in with my interest in orchids. I must have a fondness for slow growers.
Welcome from VA US. I grow under lights as well (in my basement). As Ray said, you’ve hit the mother lode!!

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