Hi cattmad! Hi phraggy!
My orchid is called Paphiopedilum Yongala 'Corroboree'. It is Transvaal x chamberlainianum. Transvaal is rothschildianum x chamberlainianum. So my orchid is Paphiopedilum (rothschildianum x chamberlainianum) x chamberlainianum.
The plant is 67 cm from leaf-tip to leaf-tip. There is one growth which is now flowering, plus another new growth. The flower spike is 63 cm tall and still growing! The flowers look like a huge, huge chamberlainianum, except the petals are not horizontal but down at a 45 degree angle, and the pouch is a purple-pink rather than light pink. I can show you a photo if there is some way to upload a photo here.
I am growing it in my bathroom in between 2 hand-basins. I keep the 2 hand-basins filled with hot water to give off a bit of heat and humidity. The sun shines into my bathroom window in the morning and hits the wall opposite my Paphiopedilum. This wall is white tiled so it reflects the light back towards my orchid and the large mirror behind it. I am supplementing the natural light by keeping my halogen ceiling lights on during the daytime as well.
When it came to me, this Paphiopedilum had 2 open flowers and 2 buds growing on it. Now, the oldest flower is just about to drop off if I talk loudly to it, but after being here for less than 1 week, the plant now has 3 buds on its flower spike!
My Paphiopedilum is being grown in composted bark and shell grit. The breeder/seller had re-potted it earlier this year, so he said I do not need to re-pot it for another 2 years. It is in a black plastic pot which I have then placed inside a larger, decorative ceramic pot.
I haven't fertilized my orchid yet, but I plan to fertilize it with half-strength seaweed solution, alternating with half-strength fish emulsion solution, once every month, probably starting from next week onwards.
Last night, I went to the Paphiopedilum Society in my home state and joined as a member, but I am not really sure that I belong there as almost everyone else has many, many hundreds, if not thousands of Paphiopedilum orchids. But, there was one woman there with only 3 Paphiopedilum orchids which she grows indoors, so I wasn't completely overwhelmed. I think I can only take other growers' advice and see how I can apply them (or not) to my own limited growing conditions, for now.
I will probably have lots of very noob questions coming up as I learn how to look after my Paphiopedilum orchid. Hope you guys will be helpful!