New section in genus Paphiopedilum proposed.

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Rob Zuiderwijk
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands

I found that in an E-Paper publication of Die Orchidee, Leonid Averyanov, Olaf Gruß and Harold Koopowitz propose a new section in the genus Paphiopedilum called Pumila to accommodate the species Paph. rungsuriyanum.
The publication from 22-Feb-2018 can be found here:

All the best,

It's interesting that the authors don't mention or reference the paper below...

Taxonomic placement of Paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum (Cypripedioideae; Orchidaceae) based on morphological, cytological and molecular analyses.
Yung-I Lee, Mei-Chu Chung, Kongmany Sydara, Onevilay Souliya, and Sulivong Luang Aphay.
Thanks a lot to both of you guys, for bringing these papers to our attention.

The publication of the Asian scientists appears to be a top solid piece of work.:clap:
Wow, it sounds like Averyanov's treatment is incorrect and irrelevant. They propose P. rungsuriyanum is under subgenus Brachypetalum, but the multi-locus phylogenetic tree (Lee et al. 2017) clearly shows that it should be under subgenus Paphiopedilum. They didn't give any scientific reasons for their "decision". I noticed that some systematics of orchids appear to be quick and dirty (and not too scientific sometimes) compared to other plant systematics.

Die Orchideen doesn't show the submission/acceptance date, but they (and/ore reviewers) should have known the Lee et al.'s paper. This is a little embarrassing for their reputation (and also for the reviewers). I'm guessing that this journal is peer-reviewed.
It's interesting that the authors don't mention or reference the paper below...

Taxonomic placement of Paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum (Cypripedioideae; Orchidaceae) based on morphological, cytological and molecular analyses.
Yung-I Lee, Mei-Chu Chung, Kongmany Sydara, Onevilay Souliya, and Sulivong Luang Aphay.

My thoughts exactly.


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