new to slippers!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2015
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Hi, I joined a few months ago, but really did not post (maybe once or twice, can't remember.) I have been taking care of orchids for about 3 years, and have gone through the usual "phases" of "rescue orchids" and so on. I am still not great at several kinds of orchids. I am also in a very dry area, that gets very hot as well.

So, I just became interested in slippers. I got a bulldog last year which is putting out a first sheath now. The sheath is not very advanced so I wonder if this will be a "dud." It is 4 hands, one very small, and is producing 2 more hands (nubbins stage) so I must be taking care of it well enough. That is:
Paph. [Mildred Hunter X Paph. Adam Hausermann] x
Paph. Winston Churchill ‘Indomitable’ AM/AOS

I recently got:
Paph. Berenice (lowii ‘Hsinying’ X philippense), which has also got a sheath starting out.
Phrag. Nicholle Tower (longifolium ‘Black as Night’ X d’alessandroi) has two very advanced "puffy" spikes.
And right now, I am waiting on the delivery of:
Paph. delenatii var. dunkel: Nicely in spike, and Phrag. Olaf Gruss [besseae flavum 'Sulphur'] x pearcei also in spike.

So with 5, I figure that it is a collection now.

I like the phrags especially, and want to get some of the green type, but would like some recomendations. I do not want super-long leaves. I also want to get some more mottled leave types of paphs.

Well, if anything, that is more information than I gave the last time. I am also in another orchid forum and recognise some of the names on this forum. I am using a different name than the one I have there.

Hope to say hi to you here!
I also have a longifolium "back as night" x d'alessandroi" , it is nice but I think you should look for phrag Rouge Bouillon, particular the cross by Quintal Farm No 1484 the date is 11/14.
I bought 2 plants , they both bloom very large, very red and very flat . the width of the petals (not the length) are slightly less than Jason Fischer but they both bloom bigger than some average Jason Fischer that I got recently (I notice some of the Jason Fischer actually have the dorsal concave and bent toward the front view) . Also the growths stay close to each others not climbing out of pots like Jason Fischer .
They are still offered by some sellers , on the ebay look at the tip of white tag, sometimes the sellers' photo shows this cross' number
Welcome from nor. Cal. Some advice, keep humidity up or water every few days with good water at least 1/2 ro to whatever else you use well or tap, water quality is very very important
Phrags require more water than paphs, and a little more light. I kind of ran myself over on this posting lol.. sorry about that!!!
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Thanks everyone! hi Hien, I saw a picture of Rouge Bouillon just recently. I liked its looks. Getting the right one may take someone more obsessive than I am though. We'll see. And Troy, yes, I do know about Phrags and the wet roots. I started that the minute I got her. I do have more questions about limestone and so on. Right now it is water and some fertilizer. Thanks everyone for responding!
Welcome! I had one or two phrag hybrids from an old vendor but didn't really get into them more until recently with the smaller hybrids. Used to be more a species grower but now it's what looks great and isn't huge (cause I don't buy so much anymore)

Elmer Nj
Hi all again and Thanks for the responses. I totally think I will stay in Paph and phrag land a while. I really have had great responses from the plants. I have gotten good at other plants as well! My Nicolle Tower buds are really getting puffy. I have put it in a good environment.

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