Nick's final sale

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I think I was had the 2nd high bid on the seedling package. It was a good deal given the # of plants and I could have gone higher, but it's probably best that I didn't win that one.
I'm not so sure about it, actually I was a bit relieved we didn't get it, I would have been looking & needing a 4th person! There were 4 of us that went in on Nick's previous offer, we had some seedlings in that and Eric & I both agreed that chances are they're going to be the same size as the ones we already have - they're a pain to pot & with that many little suckers the price has to be right or they're not worth! how much growing time before they're blooming size? Our orchid clubs were going to recieve donations for the raffles, that was a first. Christmas shopping done! Doesn't matter if you're into orchids or not! Donate compots to ST!
SO, we have heard from a few here, what did everyone else get? I was looking at the parvi compots, but decided against bidding, still I might like to take a few seedlings off someones hands. Rose and I got the S Gratrix x Macabre cross to split, and I (Eric) got a group of Lucky Bells. Did anyone else besides Diane, Rose, Gary and I get anything? Seems like a lot of compots to work on, maybe some vendors were bidding.
Hey, Don't forget me. I won #955 the first set of compots. There are 5 compots comming my way. I bid on this group as there where 3 different cross's yet 5 compots. Will need to wait and see how many plants per compot and what size before making any deals but I'm all ears.
That was a good one Bob! I was wondering what you might go for & then end up with. Originally I contacted Bob to go in with on the species seedlings but then things start getting complicated, he backed out & then I went whew, wondered if I didn't think it thru! Diane partnered with Eric & I but left decisions to us, which made things easier just communicating back & forth but add a 4way & it does get complicated. Oh well it was fun & you get to know each other on a different level! BTW today I individually potted my 2 mini compots of leucos, I didn't really need those but it was tempting just the same!
Judging from the price everything went for, Nick is probably sitting on a tropical island somewhere lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills. :rollhappy: Just joking - I know he had a lot of time and money invested in plants. I just didn't expect those plants to go for that much - good for him though.


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