niveum from bloomfield's

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Congrats to your new achievement. It's flower looks beautiful in shape and markings.
I like the simple but usually easily identifiable shapes and colors of the smaller species; never really liked the complex paphs as I thought they looked fake.
I second this! :D

Best regards from Germany, rudolf
thanks. I was wondering though after reading these posts about others' niveum flowers; has anyone else seen the red flush on the outside of a niveum flower before, is it unusual or anything like that or just once in a while it shows up?
there's no chance it's a hybrid, a polyploid or something different like that?
No there's no hint for a hybrid in the flower and if it was a polyploid flower it would be still P. niveum.
I dindn't take a photo of the backside of the flower when mine P. niveum bloomed in the past but in one photo I can see a sign of red markings at the backside of the dorsal on its top.


Best regards from Germany, rudolf
okay, yes I can see the red markings. so, it's a little different but a still a nice niveum species. i'm sure there are lots of variations among them out in the wild (like lots of other orchids). it is interesting, though that some will be all white on the back and others heavily spotted
I think your niveum is the result of selective breeding for years. I doubt you would fine a wild niveum with strong pigmentation on the back of the flower.

the second bud opened last week but was the first chance to get a picture of it.


whole plant shot


new flower closeup


zoom of pollinia behind stigmatic shield (and lots of SPOTS!)

I tried again to see if it had a fragrance, but didn't find any (though am under weather so doesn't mean anything)
definitely very nice flowers!!! (mine is is very low bud since several months, I don't know if it ever will start growing out :eek: ). Jean
Love it! :clap: you know, you are going to have me checking out the pollinia when mine gets around to blooming!