That paph was bought as Paph. urbanianum. It lookes like a two shot plant, but actually after repotting it, it proofed as two single plants. The first one bloomed shortley ago as a true urbanianum (I showed it on ST), but now the second plant flowers completeley different:
The petals are eytremley recurved, they have warts on the edges and aligned on the middle rib and they are whitish to the apex. Form and markings of the staminode are quite different, too, it is broader with dark dents. The dorsal sepal is longer and the tip is bent up a little bit. The synsepalum is extremley narrow.
In my oppinion it cant be urbanianum, my best guess would be hennisianum (no matter if it's a species or variety).
I'd be happy to hear your oppinion...
Here is urbanianum to compare:

The petals are eytremley recurved, they have warts on the edges and aligned on the middle rib and they are whitish to the apex. Form and markings of the staminode are quite different, too, it is broader with dark dents. The dorsal sepal is longer and the tip is bent up a little bit. The synsepalum is extremley narrow.
In my oppinion it cant be urbanianum, my best guess would be hennisianum (no matter if it's a species or variety).
I'd be happy to hear your oppinion...

Here is urbanianum to compare: