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Polyantha 2.0

New Member
Jan 4, 2025
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Hi everyone. I am not totally new since I was very active on this forum for many years. I am an orchid collector from Switzerland and at one point some years ago I gave almost all my rare multifloral Paphiopedilum species to a botanic garden here in Switzerland. I was not able to give them the best possible growing conditions. Now I am always happy to see "my" happy plants when I visit the greenhouses there. I am back because there is this one plant that I never gave away: Mexipedium xerophyticum 'Oaxaca'. I am looking forward to get my hands on more clones in the next two years. Looking for 'Windy Hill' for the start. If someone owns it and is able to give a piece away in Europe, please tell me ;)
With the best wishes, Polyantha (now 2.0 since my old mail address isn't active anymore and my account got suspended due to inactivity in the meantime)
Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Mexipedium xerophyticum is a pretty awesome species to keep through all this time.

I'm currently in the process of downsizing, though not as drastic as your situation, I often find myself wondering "If I had to give them all up but one, which one plant would I keep?" Of course, my answer changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. But the Mexipedium is one I frequently return to due to its overall rarity in cultivation and in nature. My plant didn't have a clonal name on the tag, but I vaguely recall the vendor I bought it from mentioning that it was from a seedling population he acquired in Hawaii, USA. So, maybe I have something unique?
Welcome back. I downsized myself (killed on multiple moves) or sold off everything that wasn't a one of a kind 'select' plant. Down to only a few couple Paphs.
Hi everyone. I am not totally new since I was very active on this forum for many years. I am an orchid collector from Switzerland and at one point some years ago I gave almost all my rare multifloral Paphiopedilum species to a botanic garden here in Switzerland. I was not able to give them the best possible growing conditions. Now I am always happy to see "my" happy plants when I visit the greenhouses there. I am back because there is this one plant that I never gave away: Mexipedium xerophyticum 'Oaxaca'. I am looking forward to get my hands on more clones in the next two years. Looking for 'Windy Hill' for the start. If someone owns it and is able to give a piece away in Europe, please tell me ;)
With the best wishes, Polyantha (now 2.0 since my old mail address isn't active anymore and my account got suspended due to inactivity in the meantime)
Hi everyone. I am not totally new since I was very active on this forum for many years. I am an orchid collector from Switzerland and at one point some years ago I gave almost all my rare multifloral Paphiopedilum species to a botanic garden here in Switzerland. I was not able to give them the best possible growing conditions. Now I am always happy to see "my" happy plants when I visit the greenhouses there. I am back because there is this one plant that I never gave away: Mexipedium xerophyticum 'Oaxaca'. I am looking forward to get my hands on more clones in the next two years. Looking for 'Windy Hill' for the start. If someone owns it and is able to give a piece away in Europe, please tell me ;)
With the best wishes, Polyantha (now 2.0 since my old mail address isn't active anymore and my account got suspended due to inactivity in the meantime)


Do you want to try and get your old account back? If so, please send me pm and we can work it out.

Welcome back!

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