Very good, folks. I'm leaning toward the insects, now.
Lance suggested I clarify that those are not my plants - I was trying to help out another grower by posting to this forum, where I know the average level of experience and intelligence is pretty high.
The plants in question reside in Argentina.
The plants in question reside in Argentina.
Eliseo's photos look similar to these:
Mostly in S. & C. America.
Did you by any chance ID's the insect species? The original photos look a bit different, but they may be at the different stage of infection. There is a reference to Kraus & Tanoue 1999, which studied this gall in C. guttata, so it might give some additional info.
As the amount of pests are being introduced to the U.S. :crazy:, I foresee another 'monster' in my orchids. :viking: