Tom- I’m sorry but hadn’t saved the seeds. I briefly thought about roasting some but didn’t have the time. I think the local farm center might have seeds for sale.
Angela- I used a store made rolled/refrigerated crust. My area is small with limited counter space; though I recently have returned to making basic bread and getting better, I’m not ‘great’ at it, and still haven’t gotten to making my own pie crusts. I had read a few years ago that pie crusts can get hard by letting them be too warm while working and adding too much water. The added fat if melts or liquid I guess can incorporate too much and not make little ‘plates’ between the flour, which when baked allow flakiness. Otherwise it is more solid, meaning tough. One thing I learned on cooks country test kitchen was that you can add alcohol along with the water to the dough so that it’s easier to handle, and the alcohol evaporates during baking and crust stays softer. They advocated cheap flavorless vodka which would leave behind no added flavor to the crust. I guess when you add more water than needed to make easier to work, end result is harder and harder after baking