Oncidium sphacelatum taking over the greenhouse

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Quick, get that weed out of there before it turns into a triffid hahaha..

More seriously, that plant is a well loved garden plant where I live. It soon turns into a specimen and if given bright light blooms like mad

Crazy! I need a piece of that....

More seriously, that plant is a well loved garden plant where I live. It soon turns into a specimen and if given bright light blooms like mad

Brett, I know sphacelatum is very common in OZ but still not many good clones I can find here... Used to have one but the flowers on the main spike will bloom way before the side branches bloom..
Nice oncidium. Is that a PAPH Avalon Mist underneath!!? :poke: It is Slippertalk after all!

no, it's Paph. primulinum fma. flavum (Green Elf x Hsinying) that I got from Ernie several years ago. Stays in bloom all the time.
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Goldenrose, I have a huge one you can have if

you can get the damn thing off the wall of my gh. I mounted it and screwed the mount to the back wall and
now it is a monster and I hate the thing...very messy
when the blooms start to fall. Been trying to kill it for years and it just won't die!
:rollhappy: Just what I need! My GH needs some space cleaning but ......
it's never too late for an auction donation!
Rofl... U know Eric they remade the "Day of the Triffids" recently as a telemovie, but you probably dont get such wonderful TV in the USA :poke:

YEs I am 42 this year, so I have seen some things.. more than your average gen-Y who have seen dribble most of their lives and had absent parenting, discipline or both :evil:

Oh on the topic of the Oncidium sphatulatum, its a good form.. True Li Wen, there are some forms that bloom eratically along the spike, but its not a major issue as many forms exist that dont bloom so.


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