Where can I buy Phrag Kovachii and phragmipedium caudatum?

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Ecuageneru už nikdy nemôžem odporučiť! Mal som s nimi niekoľko problémov so zlým balením a prepravou Phrags. Posledná objednávka, 5 rastlín, boli zaslané holé korene, v malých otvorených plastových vrecúškach, žiadne mokré sphagnum alebo akékoľvek zvlhčenie okolo koreňov, všetky korene boli úplne vysušené a všetky tieto rastliny zomreli. Poslal som Ecuagenere e-maily s obrázkami zobrazujúcimi hrozný stav mojej objednávky. Ospravedlnili sa a povedali, že ich nahradia. Teraz po niekoľkých ďalších e-mailoch stále žiadne závody na výmenu. Už nikdy viac!
I also have bad experiences with them. They brought me completely rotten cattleyas to the show. I took a picture, but they wanted a video. I never take more from them.
Good to know. When I searched in eBay Ecuagenera always came up. I stay away from now on. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.
Ecuagenera now has a nursery both in Florida and California, which obviates the need to ship bare root from outside the country. I recently purchased (within the last 6 mos.) a Paphinia cristata from the Florida outlet. It was potted, a good sized plant, had two flower spikes that bloomed and now has another spike.
I can never recommend Ecuagenera again! I have had several issues with them about poor packing and shipping of Phrags. The last order, 5 plants, were sent bare root, in small open plastic bags, no wet sphagnum or any moisturing around the roots, All of the roots were totally dried up and all of those plants have died. I had sent Ecuagenera emails with pictures showing the horrible condition of my order. They apologized and said they would replace them. Now after several more emails, still no reploacement plants. Never again!
Buy from Ecuagenera when you can see the plants.
I bought a small Phrag. besseae from Equagenera this past weekend at the Orchid Society of Greater St. Louis Show. It was in a plastic flower sleeve with sphagnum around the roots. I soaked the plant, treated it, and potted it. It was worth the price for what I received. I imagine it will take a year to get established, but I was happy to look at their plants in person. I know what to expect if ordering from them. Their plants were prepped for mail order at the show. I would have bought several more, but the sleeves and light prep, limited my purchase from them. Other vendors, J & L orchids from Connecticut (miniature species), Birds Botanicals from KC, MO, and Windy Hill Gardens, Eastern MO each had beautiful plants that were easy to add to the collection. Birds Botanicals has nice Phrag. Kovachii hybrids and other Phrag. hybrids, and Windy Hill Garden's Phrags are exceptional. I do not believe she grows kovachii or kovachii hybrids but her caudatum and caudatum hybrids would be my first choice as a source.

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