In another thread...
Plus, there's the possibility that your attempts to move to different media were not well timed.
Orchids do not "like" or "dislike" a medium, what likely happened is that, in your growing conditions, the media you have used did not provide the conditions the plant needs. Most of the time, we tend to focus on the air:water ratio, but chemistry can play a role, as well.I live in southern Ontario, with warm to hot humid summers, cool to cold winters. I had a niveum cross that lived in live moss in a pot outside from half of may till September. It didn’t seem to like anypotting medium. No matter what I did I couldn’t make it happy. It grew a bit, but winters under grow lights and 60% humidity still didn’t make it happy. It never flowered and slowly withered away.
Plus, there's the possibility that your attempts to move to different media were not well timed.