That sue is a frilly Blc. But I'll take the Ruby Slippers -- great color and shape.
Nice CATTLEYA aurantiaca (I'm sticking with the old names).
I need to figure out how to bloom Coelogyne cristata. That one is impessive. Is the rosette on the wall behind it for it? Did it get best specimen? Who's was it?
I need to figure out how to bloom Coelogyne cristata.
there was a Paph Maelstrom dispalyed in bloom (armeni white x jackii), too bad I did not photograph it. I don't find their hybrids spectacular although jackii seems to be a vigorous plant so far. And blooming size jackii hybrids for sale.Super show gang! I'm surprized for all the illegal US Paph imports that go into Canada legally, you showed none in the show. Why is that?
If you don't find that exciting you need to move here for a while to appreciate them!And blooming size jackii hybrids for sale.
And hangianum seedlings for sale, as well as their hybrids. Some larger plants too.
No paphs imported this year from Thailand (no thaianum, longipetalum, etc.). She did have some imported legally previously. How much cultivation there was of these paphs, that can be questioned. She told me she deflasked hangianums recently and they all died
I guess that wasn't very exciting...mostly seedlings![]()