OZ roth

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Thanks for the kind words on the plants.

A few points.
--Yes, the prices are not too high. We have bloomed out so many good ones this year. We don't take plants to judging, but Paph Paradise got quite a few awarded including an FCC/AOS [for a plant belonging to one of their customers but from OZ]
--If anyone wants to try one, we have ones with one flower open for a very modest price along with previously bloomed ones. They're all good.
--If you drive up a truck every week or two and take 50 in bloom, you can get an even lower price. LOL. On that note, Flowers By Grace at the SF flower market [in the public area] resells our plants including roths.
--On culture, there is nothing so special. We use balanced fertilizer at half strength. We make it on our own, but it is similar to 20-20-20. We do top dress in the spring with Nutricote and it seems to help. Years ago I recall reading about potting mixes for Paphs that included granular fertilizer. Per the comments, I will likely increase fertilizer gradually.
--We grow them warm to hot. Time is money. My thinking is that they bloom better in slightly more moderate conditions. In the hot conditions, I get the feeling that the plant has a tough time supporting the spike Just my hunch.
--We have about 6 grexes in flowering size at the moment. Each grex has a different character. That's what happens when you spend all day staring at flowers.
--Any further questions, I am happy to answer
Thanks John. Btw what is half strength in ppm or solution. Will surely get one when im sure i can sustain the vigor of your plants

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