Werner, I'm sure you own the new book of O.Gruss and at page 307 he writes that this variety which was often labeled as var. palawense had been oficially discribed by O.Gruss & Roellke in 2008 as Paph. philippinense var. compactum.
Imho it is not var. but ssp.Variety means these individuals, what are different from typical form within the population. Papawalense has homogenous populations and geographycally separated from philippinense so it is subspecies , by definition.
The name palawanense was never used officially, only for a hybrid between rothschildianum and dayanum. It was only a tradename. So we used in the description the name var. compactum. We decided to describe it as var. also we have known that there are populationsn geogreaphically separated of the plants of the typical philippinese. So we followed many other describer who used the classification as variety for many other distinct varieties with own populations, like javanicum var. virens, bougainvilleanum var. saskianum, charlesworthii var. lannaense, concolor var. longipetalum and so on. Here as an example Paph. barbigerum var. coccineum in Vietnam