P. sanderianum FCC awards?

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Oct 25, 2015
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I am trying to find a list of FCC awarded sanderianums. Are there any? I could only find AM/AOS, HCC/AOS, BM/TPS, or SM/TPS. Also would be curious to know what the longest recorded petal length found with this species.

Sorry if this is a redundant or dumb question, the search engine wouldn't accept "FCC" since it was too short.

No FCCs. Highest award to date was an 88pt AM to "Bionic Man". 63cm petals.

The clone also received a 90pt CCE (I assume at the same judging).
it is not an appealing flower in the "flat/round/dark" regard that seems to drive many awards.

I think you are on the mark. If you put the long petals to one side, the flowers are pretty hideous. Not close to the perfection of a rothschildianum flower. It would seem that the only sanderianum that will get an FCC award will be a line bred clone that is a fair bit removed from the wild types.
So strange this obsession with round and flat even though the flower naturally does not do that. Why are humans SO obsessed with tinkering with everything genetically to get it to do what we want instead of what it should do??

IMO sandy's are WAY more attractive then any roth any day! Much more unique flower and the mystery of the descending, twisted petals has to count for something surely!?
So strange this obsession with round and flat even though the flower naturally does not do that. Why are humans SO obsessed with tinkering with everything genetically to get it to do what we want instead of what it should do??

Well, there's the tradition or wanting round for complex paphs. Second, maybe there's the desire for round with phal and vanda breeding. The impression I get from the book "the orchid thief" is that the vanda breeders are the AOS judges and have a self interest in promoting their round vandas as award quality flowers.
Excellent point Linus! Damn vandaites!!!
The orchid world is fascinating, on both the flower and the interaction side. Much like the preference for flat dorsal's on a spicenarium!! It looks SO much better and more natural reflexed IMHO.
Thanks for the responses... I did a some online searching and found 'World 101' by Orchid Inn to have 101cm. It wouldn't surprise me if someone in Tiawan has one equal or longer.

Also came across the tidbit that high (90+) % relative humidity is important to maintain elongation of the petals. Interesting, though most of you probably already know.

Regarding flat/round/general judging. I personally think the judging should be based on the merits of the species. For sands, wider dorsal petal, longer petals. Color and general uniformity/habit of course. Comparing P. sanderianums to say, a bulldog hybrid, is like comparing sunsets to sunrises.
Maybe if you take a sandy and cross it to a shamrock dinkle doodle huge flat complex something or other then backcross it a hundred times back and forth so it looks like schlamorock dinkle doodle sandy ocean breeze it would be awardable then hahaha

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