Perhaps black background wasn't the best choice.
Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr
Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr

Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr

Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr
However, this clone is not favorable for breeding as the crossing petals will likely portrait to the next generation.
Ive not heard that before. Is that from your experience?
Perhaps black background wasn't the best choice.
Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr
Paph. anitum by paphioman, on Flickr
I have just entered into the breeding world and have lots of chats with paphio guru in Taiwan. Most of them said that anitum with crossing petals is not good for breeding because of the said reason. I think it is from their thought experience.
Thanks for that.
Perhaps black background wasn't the best choice.