Paph armeni white x roth

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
no hatred!!
2nd spike, 3rd is on the way


It fades to white, I'll post again as the other bud opens, the 1st spike flowers are always a little wonky
Yes, please post again when it turns white.
That is when it is the most beautiful like the old one you posted years ago.

Good that it is a good grower/bloomer.
Oh yeah,great grower!!! New roots and 4 new growths!! A very good cross to breed with
Cool. I'm glad at least some people have success with blooming out roth x parvi hybrids. Around here those are notoriously finicky bloomers. Is it fragrant?
Not fragrant, I'm going to take it in for judging, next week, fingers crossed, if it gets awarded, I will name it hillary trump lol.. seriously
Go for it Troy. It really has a good form. Good luck. Stake it properly for a good presentation.

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I probably would have guessed Norito Hasegawa x roth just seeing this unfaded flower. Very nice outcome, especially a vigorous grower with those gorgeous leaves. Breeding material, indeed. I wonder how judges might react if fading is apparent, say with 2 flowers a couple weeks apart in age.
It's been in a yellow fuzzy phase for a few days now, usually it turns white pretty quick
Petals curled, a dissapointment so far, still one more bud and spike to go




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