Paph. Armeni White

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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It's funny but there are about 10 paphs and a plate of pleurothalids living there now! :rolleyes:

It's funny Eric, we here in Germany use a couch to sit on or lie (couch) on. Obviously it's a bit different in NY? :D
BTW nice bloom anyway and your photo is just a little step away from perfect.
Best regards from Germany, rudolf
It's funny Eric, we here in Germany use a couch to sit on or lie (couch) on. Obviously it's a bit different in NY? :D


Eric the flower is gorgeous!!!! I wonder how things would turn out if you aquired a cat!!!???:confused::rolleyes::cool::eek::D:D
Nice plant dude. It's nice to see you finally got a "true" slipper orchid:poke:

where do yuo sit ''eric'' ?

It's funny Eric, we here in Germany use a couch to sit on or lie (couch) on. Obviously it's a bit different in NY? :D , rudolf


Eric the flower is gorgeous!!!! I wonder how things would turn out if you aquired a cat!!!???:confused::rolleyes::cool::eek::D:D

:rollhappy: :rollhappy: :rollhappy:
Eric, I assume that the parents of that one are armeniacum 'Golden Emperor AM/AOS x delenatii. That is the best parents that I've seen for Armeni White. I had three from those parents bloom earlier in the year and all were above average in quality. A couple of them even held onto that yellowish color for quite some time. I may even have one in bud or bloom now.

So let me tell you folks, if you are looking for an Armeni White now is the time to get one from Parkside Orchids while they still have them. I've even noticed that some of them had wider and even longer leaves then I'm used to growing on that primary cross.

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